Top 7 Motorcycle Routes of Italy

Top 7 Motorcycle Routes of Italy

Welcome to the best roads of Italy to give you some inspiration on where to plan your road trips and to show you some must-see routes. Today, we are going to highlight the best seven roads of Italy.

The SS-38 Passo dello Stelvio

Beautiful SS-38 Passo dello Stelvio in the Italian province of Bolzano, Alto Adige. The Eastern Alps’ highest paved mountain pass is around 28 kilometers long and 2,757 meters above sea level. That amazes me every time! You should be careful riding down this road, as there could be some mountain goats crossing.

SS 163 Amalfi Coast Road

SS 163, the Amalfi Coast Road, is a coastal route that passes through Città Metropolitana di Napoli, Italy, offering a truly astonishing experience throughout the ride. This is a 43-kilometer route that you may take stopping at one of the Amalfi Coast villages for a breather or to take in the breathtaking scenery before continuing on your journey. There are many tourist sights along this road which makes for an amazing journey.

SP 86 Arischia Fonte Cerreto

SP 86 Arischia Fonte Cerreto in the Provincia di L’Aquila is an amazingly beautiful road that carves through Parco Nazionale del Gran Sasso e Monti della Laga. It is 18 kilometers of winding roads on decent but far from perfect asphalt, which will take you through some marvelous scenery. On this road, you will drive through one of the largest protected areas in Europe, defined by its very rocky landscape.

The SP-10 Monte Terminillo

The SP-10 Monte Terminillo is a road that carves through Monte Terminillo, with a length of 36 kilometers. While much of the asphalt isn’t great, you should consider taking a sturdy bike if you ride this still-great road. From north to south, you’ll save the best piece of road for last.

SS-17bis Fonte Cerreto

On SS-17bis Fonte Cerreto, you will encounter wild horses and sheep as you carve your way through the landscape of the Provincia dell’Aquila for 21 kilometers. The road winds through mountainous pastures with breathtaking views over the Apennines.

The SP 638 Passo Giau

The SP 638 Passo Giau is located in Belluno. This road leads you past the jagged peaks of the Dolomites and through its wooded hairpins, making it an amazing experience you should add to your list.

The SP-71 Chia Coastal Road

The SP-71 Chia Coastal Road, Provinciale 71, curves magnificently along the south coast of the island of Sardinia. Starting the road either way, you cut along the southern coastline for more than 20 kilometers, dissecting the emerald green sea from its mountainous and green-covered counterpart onshore. The spectacular 17th-century seaside tower at Chia, constructed by the Spanish Crown to stave off Barbary pirate assaults, is unmissable.

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