The Best Motorcycle Routs of Germany

The Best Motorcycle Routs of Germany

Welcome to the best road song to give you some inspiration as to where you should plan your old trips to and to give you some must-see routes. Today we are going to show you the best 6 roads of Germany:

The Black Forest (Schwarzwald)

We’ve got a lot of favorites in this region, with some roads connecting perfectly for a seemingly endless drive, but here are two of our favorites:

1. Bundesstraße 500

This road is located in the Black Forest area in Germany. It starts in Baden-Baden and runs through the mountains at an altitude of 800 to 1,000 meters. A stretch of asphalt extends for 60 kilometers with some endlessly long twists and turns along the route before it ends in Freudenstadt.

2. L405 Freudenstadt – Schenkenzell

The second one is the L405 from Freudenstadt to Schenkenzell. So, when you’ve ridden the B500, you’re not done yet. This road starts almost exactly where the B500 ended. The L405 between Freudenstadt and Schenkenzell has a total length of about 22 kilometers. Furthermore, when visiting this area, you really should explore it, plan, or improvise some routes yourself. As a tip, search for the Black Forest Twist and Turn for 70 kilometers of motorcycle heaven.

The Romantische Strase

The Romantische Straße

We leave the Black Forest behind and make our way to the Romantische Straße. As its name implies this almost 400 kilometer road is one of the most picturesque drives in Germany brimming with natural beauty, cultural diversity and historical significance. These swiftly changing landscapes and amazing villages surprise you at every turn. This trip deserves to be on your drive list, starting the adventure at the Bavarian city of Würzburg and ending in Allgäu.

The German Alpine Route

The German Alpine Route begins with the magnificent Lake Constance in Lindau and concludes at an even more magnificent lake. This amazing 450 kilometer circuit is brimming with breathtaking natural splendor. This is a truly unforgettable road trip that has earned its place on your drive list as well.

The Volcano Route

The Volcano Route

The German Volcano Route is a 280-kilometer-long tourist route that starts at the River Rhine and leads to the mountains of the High Eifel. There are over 350 eruption sites and 40 monuments that provide views of the terrain, artifacts or historical details related to volcanoes. The unique topography boasts sinkholes, crater lakes, domes, geysers, mineral springs, carbonated springs, and more, making this another great area to explore by motorcycle.

The 195 from Domitz to Boizenburg

The 195 from Domitz to Boizenburg is a twisty road in very good condition next to the Elbe, which can’t be left out of our list. This road is about 55 kilometers long with some fun twists and turns. The views are less panoramic, but the road makes up for it.

The Nurburgring

The Nürburgring

The Nürburgring is actually a racetrack located in the National Park. This road is built around the medieval village and castle of Nürburg. This track stretches for 20.8 kilometers on the Nordschleife and 7.7 kilometers on the separate Grand Prix-Strecke. This track, nicknamed “The Green Hell,” does require an entrance fee as it is not your everyday public road, but for an experienced driver, this legendary road is well worth it.

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